
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Summer Lovin': Links and Other Good Stuff to Tell You

"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language."  ~  Henry James

So, the calendar says it's August 20th and I can't quite believe it.  Time has flown by this summer and I feel like I wanted to accomplish so much more than I did, but that's pretty much how I always feel once the last days of summer are upon us.  One thing is for sure, I've eaten this Caprese Salad every day for lunch this past week, because Summer and Tomatoes.

Things are all good here, working lots on fun and tasty projects, as well as spending more and more time with my handsome sweetheart.  He grows vegetables for a living, so you can imagine all of the tastiness I've been whipping up in my kitchen.  Fresh corn on the cob almost every night!  Perfect gems of potatoes turned into the best potato salad!  Last night I even made zucchini fries.  ZUCCHINI FRIES!  They are a thing.  Truly. 

I don't have loads of time to write because tomorrow, my love and I are flying to Montreal!  Remember that time I won a free trip to return to Montreal?  Well, we leave tomorrow and we couldn't be more excited.  I'll be sure to post loads of pictures on Instagram, so check out our adventures there.  In the meantime, I want to share some links to great recipes I've written lately.  Fried Chicken!  Zucchini Salad!  Refrigerator Pickles!  Chilled Avocado Soup!  And much, much more.  I'll be back in September, telling you about our trip.  In the meantime, enjoy these last, great summer days; especially the afternoons.  

It was way too hot to cook in July, so I made this avocado soup.  Look at that colour!

Roasted zucchini salad is delicious.  I know you have lots of zucchini to use up! 

The recipe for my favourite potato was a hit!  My love had two helpings!

Quick refrigerator pickles are the way to go when you don't want to drag out the giant canner.  

Fried chicken can be made in the oven and it is so amazing.  My favourite way to cook thighs!

I made a batch of apple butter from the apples my mom picked from her tree.  This recipe never gets old, especially when I fold it into crepes. 

Well, time to get packing!  I promise to eat all the bagels and all the croissants for all of you. 
xoxo Renée

1 comment:

  1. I am exceptionally hungry after reading this post, but refuse to get out of bed, so... impasse.


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