
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

On My Way: Coconut Cream Overnight Oats & Lentils

You guys.  Working from home is the best.  I've been doing so "officially" now for just a few days, and already I'm in love.  I can rise at a reasonable hour, have tea while catching up on the morning news, and work away at my computer wearing stretchy pants and my favourite sweatshirt from 1993.  Breaks consist of taking coffee outside while the cats run up trees and then I rake the last of the leaves, just to get a little physical activity in.   I think I might be loving breakfast the most, as it can consist of something more substantial than the yogurt and fruit I used to cram in before I left the house at an ungodly early hour. 

This week I've been crushing on overnight steel cut oats and red lentils baked in creamy coconut milk and maple syrup.  I kind of patted myself on the back while enjoying this deliciousness for breakfast as I created this recipe for the fine folks at Canadian Lentils.  Have you checked out their new website?  It looks great and is full of really lovely recipes.  I'm super proud to work with them and so honoured that they chose to sponsor me for the third annual Food Bloggers of Canada Conference being held in Montreal in just two days.  Guys.  I'm so pumped.  I haven't been back to that city in 17 years.  17 years!!!  I can't wait to see how much Montreal has changed and how I fit into it once again.  I'm gone for just a week, but no doubt it's going to be jam-packed with all kinds of adventures.  Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to see where and what I eat, see and do.  You can bet there will be bagels, croissants and more than one serving of poutine.  Oh my.  Best pack up those stretchy pants!  Speaking of which, I better run and tidy up some loose ends before I start cramming clothes into my suitcase.  Take good care of yourselves and I can't wait to tell you all of my stories when I get back. 

Find the recipe for these overnight oats here. 


1 comment:

  1. what? lentils?? i'm kind of mindblown over here, but i love the idea! i'm always looking for new ways to incorporate protein into my breakfasts and i've been stuck on nuts and nut butter, so this sounds like the perfect way to shake up my routine.


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