
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tomato and White Bean Soup with Sausage and Kale

This is a sponsored post. While I was compensated financially by the Ontario Bean Growers, I've been a huge fan of all things bean related for a very long time. All opinions are mine. 

So, how is everyone doing? I feel like the world has just been turned upside down, and like many of you, I'm holding tight to whatever I can grasp on to: the close relationships I have with my fella and my mom; working on my cookbook (it's so good to have a massive project to focus on); my four sweet and entertaining felines; voices of friends from afar; Netflix and books; short walks outside, far away from people; and of course cooking and baking. My kitchen is truly my sanctuary; I feel safe and comfortable there. With all of the scary stuff happening outside my house, standing at my counter creating recipes feels normal. And good. I like normal and good! I've been staying home LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO and honestly, it's going okay. I'd pretty much planned on self-isolating until August when my manuscript is due, but not quite as extreme as this. I long for the days far down the road when I can go out for dinner with my boyfriend. And go grab a coffee and chat with friends. And hug them! And pick my mom up so we can go get pedicures. I'm going to go to all of the movies and all of the concerts and I very well may hop a on a jet plane. And not be afraid. This all seems like a dream, but when the anxiety kicks in late at night, these are the small things I think of and honest to god I'll never take them for granted again.